Can we actually compromise on personal opinion to
accommodate another? Is it possible to choose to listen without bias to what
differs from us?
One of my most enjoyable moments is
in the gist of debating an ideology with someone who feels entirely different
about it. Of course, it quickly bores me when they think I’m trying to put them
down and start offending me.
It quickly goes from enjoyable to “I
don’t believe how immature you are being right now!”
I think we’ve all had those awkward
moments before, sometimes with us at the offensive end of the spectrum.
So, I’ll suggest a few reasons why
you shouldn’t take things too personal when caught in the midst of a free
idea-sharing moment.
When I was growing up, in my teenage
years actually, my big brother told me a huge secret; he said
“Learn to separate the person from
the situation!”
A very valuable lesson that has
influenced all my relationships since! The ability to realize that your
relationship with whoever is not hinged on differing opinions is a true mark of
maturity! That right there is the first way not to take things too personal.
that other people’s rudeness is not about you. Some times people lash out
because they’re hurt and what they say really has nothing to do with you and
everything to do with them!
yourself what else the comment or behaviour might mean. Did you hear what they
said or you heard what you wanted to hear? Yep, it happens to the best of us.
Many times we take offense because we got lost in translation. If they
criticize you take it easy. Pick what builds you and discard what does not.
believe the best of people. Once you start there, even when people are crappy
about nothing, you’ll see past their strange behavior.
Also don’t
kill yourself about the fact that you can’t please everyone. Get over the
addiction to be a people pleaser by realizing that no matter what you do,
they’ll always be someone to disagree with you.
You’re not
perfect. It’s possible to work towards perfection- it is the higher mark but
you ultimately will not ever be perfect so get over it too.
You are
not defined by your mistakes. You are who you think and believe you are. You
are not defined by other people’s opinion of who you are.
I reckon
that once you get past all the above, it will be much easier to not take things
too personal.