The other day while writing about personal space, I could
not help but be frustrated at what life had dealt me that day. I even made
remarks that made me laugh when I went back to read them!
Yes, my personal space is still of very much importance to

I don’t have a definite answer to the above paradox.
Is choosing yourself selfish? Is putting yourself first a
good thing?
Still no answer; some days, my needs will trump those of the
people around me. Other days, I’ll allow theirs to be more important- in no
particular order.
I find that my natural disposition is selfishness and I have
to keep reminding myself to be sensitive to other people’s needs. Of course
that does not mean I’m less selfish, it just means I challenge myself to think
beyond myself sometimes.
In a generation where we are flooded on every side with the ‘pick
you’ gospel, it’s a little hard to establish when you’re being real with your
personal convictions or when you’re being influenced by the statusquo.
Drawing the
line is not too obvious as the lines have been blurred.
Maybe humanity’s selfishness is more powerful than personal
conviction- I don’t know but I do know that it would help to try and personally
establish what influences my responses to what life throws at me.