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Enter the HolySpirit!

Never in my life have I ever been depressed! Maybe a bit but it all paled in relation to what was happening to me in the season of heartbreak!

Naturally I'm not a burden sharer so I couldn't talk about it but I couldn't seem to find any other outlet either! I couldn't write, sing, dance or even work the pain away. I just couldn't do anything about it.

My heart was kidnapped by this pain that dominated it. It was there, it was real and it was going nowhere! I just couldn't deal!

I called a friend of mine who usually knows what to say when I'm being melodramatic! He listened to what I couldn't say and did the wisest thing ever: he sent me back to God- after praying with me of course.

Needless to say, I did not know how to relate with God in my pain and prayer was not really at the top of my list of things to do.

Enter the HolySpirit!

I decided to try anyway. Honesty, no pretense just plain old honesty! I told God I couldn't deal. I didn't know how or even what to pray. I just needed Him to help me! I'm telling you, my pain was the kind that needed to go and that honesty before God opened up a well as the Spirit of God gave me utterance and started to interceed for me with groanings beyond my understanding!

I don't remember a single thing I prayed but the pain started to make it's way out! The grief started to flw! The heartbreak, betrayal, pain, conflict, hate, betrayal, depression all started to find their level.

I'm telling you, you do not know comfort until of the Spirit of God has dealt with you. You don't know friendship, the definition of help until you have been through His surgery.

To say that He is a mender of broken hearts is absolute truth that I can testify to without speculation! For His healing is divine and wholesome! His help is indescribable! His comfort you cannot even begin to comprehend!

I have no hate! No regret! No fear! No pain! No depression! Only absolute peace and a new heart! A beautiful new heart full of joy at all the possibilities life has to offer!

I commend you to the Spirit of God! He will sort you out!


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