This post is
about a very special someone who has proved on more than one occasion
to be a shoulder I can lean on with no judgement.

I don’t know if
you’ve ever had seasons where you don’t seem to understand
yourself and you hardly would blame people for steering clear of you.
Sometimes you even make it easier and stay away from them so they
won’t have to feel obligated to carry your burden.
Yeah. I know.
That’s some very deep emotional ish. I have had seasons like that.
See I’m not a crier and I’m not a person who looks for sympathy
either. I have taught myself over the years to look out for me and
deal with myself without necessarily drawing anyone in. So, one day a
few years back, I met this gorgeous man. My intention was to learn
about a particular field of interest from him and yes, I did learn
and I still am learning about it.
What beat me
though, was how I comfortable I was around him. I’ve had more than
one season where he has allowed to hold my hand. Seasons that under
normal circumstances would drive one to the point of insanity. Today,
it hit me hard. He has no obligation whatsoever to me. Nothing ties
him to me. Yet he has stayed and been kind, helpful, thoughtful and
Of course I have
not done a single thing to deserve that. So today I celebrate my very
own guardian angel. I won’t mention his name cuz I’m selfish like
that but when you do read this my dear guardian angel, know this:
I appreciate you.
I applaud your kindness. I know I can never repay you but I pray that
this token will be somewhat of a thank you. I dig you and I am so
very glad that God caused our paths to cross. I drink to your health,
wealth, success- if you may and to many more blessings for you!!!