Grief consumes me
Leaving no space for anything else
Grief surrounds me
Wrapping me in her cruel embrace
Choking the life out of me
Leaving me no option but to feel
No option but to be held
Held by prickly emotions
Emotions that flood me
That flood every fibre of my being
Grief will not leave me
Invading with her all her comrades
Anger. Denial. Regret. Anger.
I tell myself I will not pay her any attention
And she laughs her evil laugh
As if to say 'I will be here'
I will be here waiting
Waiting for your denial to pass
Waiting to swallow you up
Waiting in broad daylight
No need for shadows
My eyes well up
Bursting forth like torrential rain
Bursting forth like a broken dam
Whose cracks have given way
But we mourn as those with hope
13 And now, dear brothers, I want you to know what happens to a Christian when he dies so that when it happens, you will not be full of sorrow, as those are who have no hope. 14 For since we believe that Jesus died and then came back to life again, we can also believe that when Jesus returns, God will bring back with him all the Christians who have died.
1Thessalonians 4
Leaving no space for anything else
Grief surrounds me
Wrapping me in her cruel embrace
Choking the life out of me
Leaving me no option but to feel
No option but to be held
Held by prickly emotions
Emotions that flood me
That flood every fibre of my being
Grief will not leave me
Invading with her all her comrades
Anger. Denial. Regret. Anger.
I tell myself I will not pay her any attention
And she laughs her evil laugh
As if to say 'I will be here'
I will be here waiting
Waiting for your denial to pass
Waiting to swallow you up
Waiting in broad daylight
No need for shadows
My eyes well up
Bursting forth like torrential rain
Bursting forth like a broken dam
Whose cracks have given way
But we mourn as those with hope
13 And now, dear brothers, I want you to know what happens to a Christian when he dies so that when it happens, you will not be full of sorrow, as those are who have no hope. 14 For since we believe that Jesus died and then came back to life again, we can also believe that when Jesus returns, God will bring back with him all the Christians who have died.
1Thessalonians 4