You already know what this letter is about. You and I have
grown very close lately. The handholding, the walks in imaginary parks, the stolen
conversations and the side-glances! All this seems real but it is not!
I have felt myself drawn into your waiting arms. Your sweet
smelling warm embrace! You have stirred up in me feelings I did not know I had.
The love I withheld for my lover has leaked out from crevices of my heart, into
your waiting arms. Slowly drawing me away from my dream with your seductive
charm. I have tried to leave too often but being with you makes me giddy. My
stomach lurches in excitement at the thought of you.

He fills my mind so heavily like the scent of the night rose
at midnight. He surrounds me. In my conversations with people, in music, even
in poetry… my lover is ever present. Always giving of himself!
I saw you around; constantly stalking my lover and I. We did
not bother to mention your constant hovering. See, we both considered you of no
consequence! Boy, were we wrong!
You crept out of the shrubs at the slightest sense of
troubled waters between us. He saw you plan your strategic entrance into my
life! He warned me lest I got carried away! But the butterflies in my stomach
thundered to life clouding my judgement!
I could not believe how relaxing it was to be around you!
How enjoyable and easy your company! You didn’t push me the way he did. You
simply let me be! I was not used to this kind of existence. I did not have to
be or do anything! No ambition! No stress! No deadlines! Nothing of the sort! I
lived in the moment!
You drew me in! You kept me in! And I enjoyed every bit of
But I miss him! I miss the one for whom my heart beats! I
miss his comfort and understanding! I miss his loving! He definitely does not
love me the way you do, no. He loves me the way he does!
Not in the way that brings butterflies to my stomach! Not
like that! He loves me the way he does!
He pushes deadlines on me! Constantly stresses me about my
ambitions! Telling me to dream large and chase it down. Telling me to put it on
paper, on my laptop, in my phone but never at any moment leave it in my head!
It’s so much pressure! But good pressure! It’s a wealth of ideas! The thought
patterns that can be built on, the poems waiting to come alive, the screenplays
and novels waiting to be written… My lover pushes me to let it out!
That’s why despite how much I think I care for you- I have
to say goodbye! I cannot do this anymore! I cannot disappoint my lover! For in
disappointing him, I disappoint myself!
So, I write this letter to tell you that it really is not
you; it’s me!
I have to bid you adieu my temporal lover. The one who tried
to take the place of my true love! I hate to say it this way but I pray to God
that our paths never cross again! Could I pray you find love? Absolutely not!
For I would not wish you on the kind I know you prey on!
Dear writers block, it’s not you; it’s me!
Jessica Layado