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Christ Is My Reward!

The past few weeks have been somewhat busy, with me refocusing but also meditating a lot. Meditating on weakness, what it means to be weak and the implications of pretending it's not there. Growing up, up until now, I have been and continue to be a very independent mind. It takes a lot for something to influence let alone dictate my decisions (and a very deliberate effort from me to accept to be influenced).

As a middle child of three, I found my wings very early in life and purposed within myself to live life with no apologies. If I felt the need to do a thing, I would do it! I did not struggle so much with people's opinions of me (I'm not sure why) but again, I just was/am a free spirit. If I ended up believing a thing, it had to go through many levels of testing until my heart was settled on it for that season. I say this because a lot of the things I believed, have morphed over time and some of them have been dropped altogether.

I believe it's called growth.

'You are such a strong woman' is one statement that has followed me a lot over the years. And yes, I am a strong woman lol. Life has dealt me a lot of different hands and I think I handled them pretty well.

But am I really a strong, hard babe? I have had to ask myself why I think that I should be strong? Why should anyone be strong? Why are we opposed to weakness? If anything, why are we afraid of weakness? Why don't we want to be associated with weakness?

We believe in some sort of personal strength because we want to pride ourselves in the ability to take care of ourselves. Our ability to master this 'life thing'. But, have we been created/called to be creatures of strength? I am reminded of scriptures like

2Cor 12:9
But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

God works with weakness. God is interested in weakness. God allows us to be weak. He worked/ works with murderers, thieves, adulterers because these people were weak, have come to a place of realization of their weakness and therefore, their inability to 'save' themselves. But those are extreme cases... Are they though?

Matt 5:28
But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

It is a heart issue. 

Jer 17:9
The heart is deceitful above all things
and beyond cure.  Who can understand it?

 Our flaw is our need to work life out on our own but God has created us for himself and for relationship with him. Our satisfaction is Christ; Christ is our reward. Christ alone is our strength and when we are weak, which is with every waking breath, we have the opportunity to TRUST

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.[a]


Bodi_Es said…
“... Our satisfaction is Christ; Christ is our reward. Christ alone is our strength and when we are weak, which is with every waking breath, we have the opportunity to TRUST”

I’ll take that!

Interesting, what you put across though.
On weakness and “..those are extreme cases... are they though?”

I’ll chew on that.

Thank you!
5ive Wads said…
I want to like your comment lamera but blogger just isn't being fancy lol

Let's chew on all this together because the more I chew, the more I realise how much I have been duped into believing I can do life in my own strength.

Thank you for passing through to read!
Unknown said…
This is beautiful Jess, funny how sometimes we struggle to accept our weaknesses when we discover them...let alone, use them as an excuse not to do one thing or another... Indeed, God is our strength through it all. Thanks for the timely reminder.
Oweitu said…
I literally preached about admitting weakness this morning at Work. It is through weakness that we are saved. It is believed that Martin Luther's last words were: "We are beggers, this is true." That is all we are.

Jemox said…
Kati am about to LOL over the thing we talked about in one of our sessions this week. The way I've been on the threshing floor asking God to take it away because I just can't experience it because it just isn't right. Now imagine if I dealt with it from the perspective of: "This thing is tight, Lord, but I wonder how you are going to reveal Yourself through it." Since I was about to LOL, lemme now LOL for real as I boast in the strength of My Jesus. Thanks for the reminder Jess. Did you hear me LOL? :-))
5ive Wads said…
Just reading all these comments is absolutely beautiful. This weakness thing is really resonating with me lately. And just to know that there are other people at this place; hallelujah!

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts; Lorna, Mategyero and Jean. It means a lot💃💃💃

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