2016! What a year! It really has been quite the year! I can hardly remember what occupied my mind at the beginning but I honestly did not have very much faith that this year would end. It seemed like a vast ocean with me as the one grain of sand at the shore- lost among other grains and afraid to be swallowed by the ocean.
It however has been a season of great introspection and meditation. A season of healing, restoration, learning to let go and to live by myself! A season of appreciating the awesome person I am and aligning myself to my calling. Trying to understand the purpose of my existence on earth and what I have to bring to the table of life.
I have learned to appreciate the life I have and to live it
to the fullest! I have learned that I have been gifted with everything I need pertaining to life.
I’ll admit that I have made a lot of learning errors- many
of them not too far away in the past but in spite of it all, I am learning. I have challenged the statusquo in seeking to understand why I believe what I believe. That right there has been one of my greatest challenges- to listen with understanding to opinions different from mine without putting myself in the place of supreme judge.
I have sought to understand the consequences of decisions I have made. Their implications on family, friends and I. Like Paul says, everything is permissible but not all things are beneficial. I have cut out a lot of people and things but I have also embraced a lot of new people and things. For everything I have let go of, it has been replaced with better and more relevant things- and people of course!
I have learned that my life and my decisions are my business and despite what happens, I should be ready to take utmost responsibility for myself.
Most of all I have learned that human beings are frail and will betray you whenever the chance avails itself. But instead of be angry about it, just understand that as unworthy as people are of your trust, give them the benefit of doubt. Be slow to judge, slow to react and always seek to preserve the relationship. Despite how much people change, always be true to who you are because in the end, you are responsible for you!!!
A toast to the year that has been!