A few days ago, I met a person who
introduced herself to me as a Kingdom woman and it caused me to
think. If one is a Kingdom woman do they really have to introduce
themselves as one? I mean is it really necessary? I know you’re
probably thinking if they are unashamed of it why not? I agree. If
they are proud of it, why not?

How are we sure that after one has
introduced themselves as so that they will live up to the label they
now possess? Is this not the reason why people go around making
statements like “wabula balokole?” (translated as “surely saved
people”)I’m just saying; if you are a Kingdom woman, then let
your actions speak for you because ultimately one cannot act forever.
Your life will always tell us if you’re being genuine or if you are
just another label that does not live up to its expectations.
If a woman meditates on the word of God
and hides it in her heart, her behavior is determined by what is in
her heart for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
Therefore, she will speak life(out of her belly will flow streams of
living water). She will cause people to thrive and not choke them
with negativity. She will encourage people in the Lord(The Word of
God is a lamp unto her feet and a light unto her path). By the grace
of God, she will positively influence generations. She will uphold
people: Never underestimating the perfect God who works with
imperfect human beings. The Word of God will be her final authority
(if God has said it. She believes it.)
She will not gossip neither will she
entertain gossip. She will not seek to glorify people’s weaknesses
instead of encouraging their strengths. She will not be an agent of
discord but rather because of the active work of the Spirit of God in
her, reconciliation is her agenda. She will not seek to glorify
herself but rather the God who is alive and at work in her. She will
not judge the lost but seek them out and intercede for them to find
and experience the amazing God who lives in her. She takes into
account the fact that we are but flesh and blood.
She will be an instrument of love in
the hands of a very invincible God. She will live for God and not for
herself seeking everyday to be totally surrendered to the will of
God. She will pursue her destiny in God to the best of her ability.
She will speak the truth out of reverence for God(For God is truth).
She will desire that justice prevail even at her expense. She will be
true to who she is accepting that she is a work in progress (Not that
she has attained perfection but she works toward it).
This is my definition of a Kingdom
Woman. So before you start to introduce yourself as one, is this who
you really are? If this really is who you are then you do not need to
introduce yourself as a Kingdom Woman because everyone who encounters
you WILL KNOW BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT that you really are a woman
after God’s own heart.