a friend and i were talking about loving and being in love and some interesting things came up. the most unbelievable was the fact that he is so totally gay like homosexual. now that hit me hard cuz xavier( not real name) is a very good looking guy. every girls dream. apparently he has been through enough relationships to last him a lifetime and reached a conclusion that all females are out to hurt him. then it dawned on me that many times "gayism" is a result of broken relationships or ugly past experiences. therefore much as its unacceptable in society its important to hear them out and even more important to do it out of love because you want to see them live a normal life. with that said i will stop by urging all of us to be the change we wanna see in the world so it becomes a better place.
Not too many things in life crack me up as much as the arrivalist. The embodiment of the concept is immaturely grown up that it puzzles me; the paradox that is arrivalism. Maybe before we go too far, let’s try and define this thing. My use of the word arrivalism in this article describes the mentality or false feeling of accomplishment or reaching the top of the road in a particular field. A case in point would be the upcoming musician whose music starts to enjoy massive airplay across media platforms or the socialite who starts getting noticed by and featured in tabloids. That sudden sense of accomplishment (adrenaline rush kind of thing), that gets to the head of the individual feeling it- that right there is arrivalism. When what should be a possible pit stop in life’s journey becomes the final destination because of pride( or as we’d say in Uganda ‘posing’). It really is just extreme pride in an achievement that is probably not that big a deal and more often t...