'You are a very strong woman,' she remarked 'So you can easily handle people who try and walk all over you.' 'Um... Okay.' I mumbled trying to internalize her angle of this thing. Mel had been dealing with a 'disgruntled' male colleague and in the middle of their discourse, she burst into tears. Now, for some people that may be a natural response to frustration and to others, it is just foreign. We ask ourselves questions like 'who cries in public' or go ahead and remember statements like 'never give anyone the satisfaction of seeing your tears' Recently, my workplace was doing interviews and we posed the generic question; what is your weakness? and it turned out tears were the weakness for a few of the interviewees. Can the strength of God be made perfect in out tears and frustration? I think this article by Mategyero will help answer that question. 1Peter 3:7 says; Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge...
Experiences of innocence violated by corrupt standards of the world